To start any adventure you need to be prepared with the right gear. We’re sharing our favorite outdoor gear and packing tips so you’ll hit the trails right.

Camping Coffee: How to Make Delicious Coffee Outdoors
Just because you’re sleeping outdoors doesn’t mean you should skimp on caffeine. This guide breaks down all the best methods for brewing camping coffee, so you can be prepared for your next outdoor adventure.
How To Kayak: A Guide for Beginners
In this article we’re teaching you how to kayak. We’ll cover everything from essential safety to tips on kayaking for beginners, as well as everything you need to know to gain the confidence to embark on your next kayaking adventure.
Best Microspikes for Hiking
Microspikes are essential for any alpine or winter hikers, but there are so many different options that choosing the right set can be challenging. In this guide, we break down everything you need to know about the best microspikes for hiking, plus share our favorites.
20 Coolest Hiking Gadgets for Outdoorsy People
Whether you’re a casual hiker or a trail fanatic, having a few hiking gadgets in your pack can make every outdoor adventure a bit more enjoyable. From helping you prepare for a true wilderness emergency to repelling pests and even keeping you entertained (and fed!), we’ve rounded up the best, [...]
10 Best Daypacks for Hiking
Choosing a daypack for hiking is important, but it’s not necessarily straightforward. There are several things to consider and compare, including load capacity, material, aesthetics, and personal comfort. Plus, it’s completely subjective based on what type of hiking you enjoy! We researched and tested several of the best daypacks for [...]
Best 2-Person Tents for Camping & Backpacking
Researching the best 2-person tent for outdoor adventures can be time-consuming and overwhelming, so we’ve done the legwork for you. Thankfully, there are many excellent 2-person tent options that suit every need and budget.
41 Gifts for Hikers that are Practical & Fun!
We've curated a list of unique gifts for hikers! If you’re an avid hiker yourself, this list is a good place to gather wish list ideas. From super practical hiking gear to budget-friendly stocking stuffers, this guide is packed full of gifts for hikers that’ll actually get used and loved.
What to Wear White Water Rafting
If riding rushing waves through the twists and turns of a raging river is on your bucket list, you'll want to check out this article to find out what to wear white water rafting so you can be prepared for your next adventure!
What to Wear Hiking
Choosing what to wear hiking can make all the difference when it comes to being prepared for a great time on the trail. We're covering the basics from the best fabrics for hiking, how to layer, what to pack and most importantly, what not to wear on the trail.
Best Outdoor Apps for Camping, Hiking & Road Trips
With this list of the best outdoor apps for camping, hiking and road trips, you'll have all the resources you need for an epic outdoor adventure at your fingertips. The apps on this list have been user tested and approved so you know you're getting the best value before you [...]